Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Politicization of Masks

During this epidemic crazy things have happened, but the politicization of masks is among the craziest. People are protesting the wearing of masks- the one thing scientists are sure of will help protect us from this virus.Their main excuses for protesting are: its their right, the virus is not real or not as bad as its made out to be, the masks will cause problems, or that masks are discriminatory. The consensus is these protestors are generally apart of the republican party, following Trump who hasn't prioritized masks until recently. The picture below was taken at Anti-mask protest. I personally find this ironic since republicans generally don't support "pro-choice" when it comes to abortion, but are now using the same slogan "my body my choice"applying to wearing masks. There have been videos circulating the internet of people throwing fits at stores that are refusing them service because of their choice not to wear a mask.  As the video depicts, people are going crazy over their right to not wear a mask. In my opinion, if people would just follow the suggestions to wear a mask and social distance, this whole pandemic may come to an end sooner than later. Unfortunately though, I do not see that happening. 

The Politicization of Masks

During this epidemic crazy things have happened, but the politicization of masks is among the craziest. People are protesting the wearing of...