Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Covid and Pop Culture

     This is the first pandemic where even though everyone is isolated, we can be connected to each other through the internet. Because of this, Covid has become entangled with some pop culture references. One example is famous country singers, Luke Combs, new song called "6 Feet Apart". This song is about the difficulties of social distancing. The chorus of this song reflects these feelings by saying,

"I miss my mom, I miss my dad
I miss the road, I miss my band
Giving hugs and shaking hands
Well, it's a mystery I suppose
Just how long this thing goes
But there'll be crowds and there'll be shows
And there will be light after dark 
Someday when we aren't six feet apart"

This song mentions some of the main changes brought on by quarantine such as not being able to see the people you love, not being able to touch people or go places, and the shutting down of things like concerts and shows. This has been such a shocking culture change for most people, and has lasted so long, that it is a popular and commonly used pop-culture reference. 

    Another example of this would be entire media pages dedicated to "Karen" customers. These are customers that lose their minds over having to wear masks in stores and having temper tantrums that people catch on video. My generation finds these videos hilarious! I find most of these videos on TikTok but they can be found on Youtube, Instagram, Snapchat, or pretty much any social media outlet. These costumers make a big deal out of what they should be allowed to do, and refuse to leave when asked. "Karens" are boomers who are known for being difficult and rude. An example of one of these videos can be found here. These are just a few examples of how Covid has impacted our pop culture forever. 

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