Saturday, September 12, 2020

Getting Information On the Pandemic

     If I'm being completely honest, I get most of my information from social media outlets. I know these may not be the best method of getting information but if you think about it, any platform now a-days is biased. After I see information about the pandemic on twitter or TikTok that interest me I'll do my own research to make sure its not fake news. I generally trust the information I see because after I do research it usually checks out. However, I am aware that social media is typically more left leaning nowadays because the younger generation is more liberal than conservative. This has caused some tension in my family because my parents are very conservative and they do not like my liberal views on things or my sources. I think the most dangerous thing to come out of this pandemic is the politicization of the pandemic. On TikTok the other day there was an audio recording of Trump admitting that he downplayed the severity of the pandemic. This is the link to the recording. This is dangerous because people are not wearing masks or quarantining as they should, because their PRESIDENT is acting like its not a big deal, and why would be lie? Trump claims it was to avoid a panic, but I think overall it has done more harm than good. We are on the 9th month of this virus and its still spreading because people are not taking it seriously enough. People think its scam, and if they would just social distance and use masks like Italy did, we would be over this by now. 

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The Politicization of Masks

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