Tuesday, September 29, 2020

UK Core Issue: How Do We Distribute Covid Vaccines?

    As soon as the first safe and effective vaccine becomes available, I think healthcare workers, and those at high risk of contracting the virus should be in line to receive the first doses of the vaccine. I believe this because health care workers are in contact with so many people, that we need to ensure safety and sterilization in the hospitals first. We also need these professionals in good health so they are able to continue helping others, especially during this time. I also think those at high risk of contracting the virus should get the vaccine first because not only are they at a higher risk of getting the virus, but this also means that the most likely group to spread the virus as well. To ensure that people aren't lying about their health status or professor, measures should be taken so that they are able to provide proof. Not only should a doctors note stating their opinion about whether or not they are high risk be required, but a medical history or physical exam should be required as well. Identification should be required with proof of employment so we can ensure the vaccine is going to the right people first. 

    Another issue with vaccines is convincing skeptics that not only is the vaccine safe, but it is necessary. Many people are worried about the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine because it was rushed out to market. According to an AP poll, only half of Americans said they would be willing to get the new vaccine. Providing the public with as much information as possible may help to alleviate some of these fears. These fears are especially prevalent in African Americans who have a long distrust of the medical industry due to discrimination in the past. Things such as having diverse testing groups to see how it affects different races and genders are important, as well as a public service campaign explaining the safeties and necessity of getting the vaccine as the vaccines are being released would also be important. Incentives might be beneficial to lower income families as well, such as a free vaccine or, if thats not possible, distributing food stamps to those that get the vaccine might increase the likelihood of that particular group getting vaccinated as well. This vaccine needs to go to EVERYONE in order to effectively fight this pandemic, not just a portion of people. This is why it is so important to brainstorm ideas on how to reach all groups of people during this time. 

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